10 Best Practices to Follow While Working with Remote Staff

According to the Future Workforce Pulse Report by Upwork, approximately 22% of Americans are expected to work remotely by 2025. This trend holds significance for businesses as they adapt to a more distributed workforce and talent pool.

If you are a business owner, manager, and team leader who oversees remote employees or not, then you must know how to work with your staff overseas. 

In this blog post, we will discuss about ten best practices for remote work that you can implement for efficient work.

The Future of Remote Work

This report by Upwork predicts a significant increase in remote work by 2025. The study surveyed over 1,000 U.S. hiring managers. It found that by 2025, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels. 

There are several reasons for this increase. First, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to shift to remote work. Second, many companies are finding that remote work has benefits such as increased productivity and flexibility. Third, companies are increasingly comfortable working with remote teams.  

Most businesses are accepting or at least trying the remote work model, which is completely new compared to a traditional working model. As a business, you must adapt to these new changes. As you need to rethink how to have a smooth workflow in a remote work environment, it is essential to follow best practices.

1. Set Clear Expectations

Before anything else, establish clear expectations regarding work hours, communication channels, deadlines, performance goals, and project deliverables. 

This sets the foundation for a successful remote work arrangement and reduces confusion or frustration down the line.

2. Produce a Work Brief for Your Remote Staff 

This is an effective strategy that enables remote workers on your team to understand what they are supposed to do by providing them with detailed task/project instructions and guidelines, deadlines, resources, and any other relevant information.

To make sure everyone is on the same page and avoid too much back-and-forth communication.

3. Creating a SOP

Take time to create a clear, concise and well-organized SOP. It should indicate project goals, scope of work, deliverables, deadlines and any required resources.

Creating comprehensive operating procedures can evade misunderstandings later on. A good SOP will outline the entire process thoroughly, helping your remote employees improve the quality of results.

4. Open Communication Is Key

It should be noted that open communication must be stressed out in this case. Do not hesitate to ask questions or seek clarifications while using email or instant messaging systems with your employees working remotely; remember there is also Skype, Google Meet, as well as phone calls through which you can engage in video conferencing.

Other than that, ensure wherever possible keep your lines of communication open at all times because they help build trust among individuals who may hardly meet physically but interact via virtual means like social media or business websites.

5. Regularly Check In with Remote Staff 

Plan on regular check-ins (daily, weekly, or bi-weekly) to hold discussions about the progress made, solve problems and offer help. These check-ins might be brief and focused, but they provide a good chance of staying connected with your remote team by overseeing their performance and providing guidance or support.

6. Offering Remote Work Software Training 

As such, it is necessary to have training sessions for all staff members on how to use these tools effectively if your team uses any particular software for collaboration or task management.

Without any flaw in the collaboration and implementation of projects, these tools are critical in a remote work setting.

7. Promote Flexibility

When possible, allow for flexible working hours and arrangements since this can improve work-life balance, boost morale and lead to increased productivity.

Through flexibility, you show that you trust your remote colleagues enough to let them manage their own time.

8. Promote Team Collaboration 

Virtual team-building activities, group projects and discussions will encourage collaboration. This helps create a community spirit among them and enables employees working remotely to connect with one another. 

Motivation, sharing of knowledge, and the achievement of common objectives are some reasons why establishing a strong sense of team spirit is important in remote work settings.

9. Question Hour Sessions 

Organize dedicated interactive sessions where queries can be made by individuals working remotely from home or seek clarification or even brainstorm on ideas provided. This enhances knowledge sharing among employees and enables them to solve problems together.

Regular Q&A sessions within which remote workers openly communicate, share information and resolve issues collaboratively are pivotal for successful functioning within virtual teams.

10. Regularly Reviews or Feedback 

Offer your remote staff constructive feedback regularly so that they improve their performance areas they need to grow, and also feel their worth in the organization. Feedback forms an essential part of professional development.

Your skills as well as being valued members of your team can be improved; areas for growth can be identified if regular constructive feedback is given to your remote staff.


Remote work demands a shift in management. Trust is the key to success, and it can be achieved by focusing on outcomes, not micromanaging but empowering employees, and encouraging a results-oriented culture. 

These ten best practices for remote work show that there are better answers than replicating an office environment. Embrace flexibility and focus on well-being to build a more engaged and productive workforce.

Prioritise communication, support, and following remote-working protocols. Doing so will cultivate a remote work culture where trust, collaboration, and success go hand in hand.

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